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Abstracts: Bristol 1992 - University of Bristol
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SVPCA Conference
Platform presentation (20 mins)
Ventastega curonica a new Devonian tetrapod from Latvia
Per Erik Ahlberg
Ervins Luksevics
Forest Bed elks and giant deer revisited
Augusto Azzaroli
An unusual vertebrate fauna from the Karabastau Fm. Upper Jurassic) of Karatau, Kazakhstan
Natasha N Bakhurina
Nathalie Bardet
Late triassic continental vertebrate fauna of East Greenland
Niels Bonde
Cheek structure and anterior cervical vertebrae in the Plesiosauroidea
David S Brown
Eric Buffetaut
Haiyan Tong
The phylogeny of Aictoidea (Carnivora): comparison of some morphological and molecular data
V�ronique Bairiel
Edith Cirot
Recent developments at Bristol City Museum
Peter R Crowther
A juvenile plesiosaur (Plesiosauria: Reptilia) from the Lower Lias (Hettangian: Lower Jurassic) of Lyme Regis, England: a plesiosauroid - pliosauroid intermediate?
Arthur R I Cruickshank
Faunal turnover at the end of the triassic: French data
Gilles Cuny
Taphonomy of birds
Paul G Davis
Morphometric analysis of small ichthyosaurs- definitions of embryos
D Charles Deeming
Solnhofen lizards revisited
Susan E Evans
Agonies over agnathans
Peter L Forey
A lightweight in action - pterosaur's wing mechanics
Eberhard �Dino� Frey
J�rgen Riess
Mammals and birds - sister groups?
Brian G Gardiner
Tails and tales of bipedal reptiIes
Tim Hamley
The beginning of the equoid radiation
Jerry J Hooker
Early stages in ontogeny of the ichthyosaur Stenopterygius quadriscissus from the Lower Jurassic of Germany
Axel Hungerb�hler
Developmental genetics and the calcichordates
Richard P S Jefferies
0-60 mph suggestions on sauropod speeds
Sara Kinzett-Whitley
Late Miocene vertebrates from northwestern Venezuela: implication for the Orinoco River paleo-drainage
Omar J Li�ares
Bipedal dinosaur trackways in Chewore, northern Zimbabwe
Theagarten Lingham-Soliar
New discoveries of Late Devonian fishes from Gogo, Western Australia
John A Long
Bone-beds as palaeoenvironmental indicators
J Macquaker
Eocene rodents from North Africa
Jean-Louis Hartenberger
Jean-Jacques Jaeger
M Mahboubi
Monique Vianey-Liaud
The art of palaeontological reconstruction - is it art? is it science?
John G Martin
The phylogeny of the genus Ursus in Eurasia
Paul Mazza
Maico Rustioni
Ichthyosaurs: new finds, new interpretations
Chris McGowan
Fish head cavities and new views on head segmentation
Robert Presley
How simllar are modern and Mesozoic flying vertebrates?
Jeremy M V Rayner
The first mermaid
Russell Savage
A dinosaur footprint site from East Sussex
David Scarboro
Ossification events in Permian branchiosaurs
Rainer R Schoch
Vertebrate preservation in Karst terrains
Michael J Simms
Pachystropheus rhaeticus (?Neodiapsida, ?Choristodera) from southwest Britain
Glenn W Storrs
Early Miocene elephantoids, parsimony, and stratigraphical gaps
Pascal Tassy
The plesiosaur�s birthplace: Bristol Museum and 19th century palaeontology
Michael A Taylor
Dinosaur polyphyly revisited
Tony R A Thulborn
IGCP 328 workshop: international co-operation on Palaeozoic fish microremains
Susan Turner
Pterosaur phylogeny and evolutionary history
David M Unwin
Origin and evolution of sauropod dinosaurs
Paul Upchurch
Middle Jurassic vertebrates from the Isle of Skye
Michael Waldman
Permutation tests of tetrapod phylogenies
Mark Willkinson

SPPC/GCG Conference
Platform presentation (20 mins)
The conservation of the Sedgwick Museum Quaternary Hippopotamus skeleton
Caroline Buttler
Authigenic minerals within vertebrate fossils from the Wealden, Isle of WighL
Jane B Clarke
Helping with the jigsaw! How preparators can help conservators
Chris Collins
Rubbers, resins and replicating Baryonyx
Lorraine Cornish
Messel crocs - excavation, preparation and display
Eberhard �Dino� Frey
A review of preparation techniques used in the Geology Conservation Lab at Bristol Museurm
David Hill
Preparation, art or science?
David Hill
Westlothiana: seeking evidence for the earliest amniote
William Lindsay
Preparation of the A303 ophthalmosaur
Richard J Twitchett