Delegates - York 2014
Per Ahlberg
Uppsala University
Lu Allington-Jones
The Natural History Museum, London
Robert Asher
University of Cambridge
Joanna Baker
University of Reading
Hester Baverstock
Mark Bell
University College London
Roger Benson
Michael Benton
University of Bristol
Gary Blackwell
Dinosaur Isle
Mike Boyd
Jen Bright
University of Bristol
Stefano Broccoli
University of Milan
Neil Brocklehurst
Museum Für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschungan der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Eric Buffetaut
David Button
University of Bristol/Natural History Museum
Marco Castiello
Imperial College London
Tom Challands
University of Edinburgh
Sandra Chapman
Natural History Museum
Jenny Clack
University of Cambridge
Roger Close
University of Oxford
Samuel Cobb
Hull York Medical School
Amber Collings
John Conway
Ian Corfe
University of Helsinki
Philip Cox
Hull York Medical School
Nick Crumpton
Natural History Museum, London
Christopher Davies
Gareth Dyke
Steve Etches MBE
Kimmeridge Project
Susan Evans
Mark Evans
New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester
Peter Falkingham
Royal Veterinary College
Laura Fitton
University of York
Thomas Fletcher
University of Leeds
Davide Foffa
University of Bristol
Richard Forrest
Michaela Forthuber
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig, Germany
Nick Fraser
May-Liss Funke
NHM Oslo, Norway
Bjorn Funke
PalVenn, Oslo
Pam Gill
University of Bristol
Helder Gomes Rodrigues
University Lyon 1
Anjali Goswami
University College London
Mark Graham
Natural History Museum, London
Peter Griffiths
University of Wolverhampton
Thomas Halliday
University College London
Lionel Hautier
Institut des Sciences de l'Évolution (UMR - CNRS 5554) Université Montpellier 2
Nicola Heckeberg
LMU Munich
Donald Henderson
Bernd Herkner
Senckenberg Forschngsinstitut und Naturmuseum
JJ Hill
University of Bristol
Mike Howe
British Geological Survey
Cindy Howells
National Museum of Wales
Michael Howgate
Stuart Humphries
University of Hull
Nathan Jeffery
Michela Johnson
University of Southampton
Tom Kemp
Oxford University
Elizabeth Kerr
Museum National d'Histoire Naturel (MNHN)
Hilary Ketchum
University of Oxford
Catherine Klein
University of Bristol
Dallas Krentzel
University of Chicago
Nigel Larkin
Jessica Lawrence Wujek
University of Southampton
Jeff Liston
Head of Vertebrate Palaeontology Research Group
Dean Lomax
Doncaster Museum & University of Manchester
Bente T. Loudon
Geologists' Association
James Lumbard
University of York
Qingyu Ma
University of Bristol
Paul Maderson
Elizabeth Martin-Silverstone
University of Southampton
Andrew McIntosh
Nick Milne
University of Western Australia
Gareth Monger
Philip Morris
Hull York medical school
Robert Nicholls
Emma-Louise Nicholls
British Museum
Malgosia Nowak-Kemp
Oxford University
John Nudds
University of Manchester
Paul O'Higgins
University of York
Rachel O'Meara
University of Cambridge
Frank Osb�ck
Museernes Bevaringscenter i Skive
Colin Palmer
University of Bristol
Eva Papp
The Australian National University
Marianne Pearson
Fay Penrose
University of Liverpool
Thomas P�schel
University of Manchester
Marcela Randau
University College London
Emily Rayfield
University of Bristol
Aubrey Jane Roberts
University of Southampton
Gertrud R�ssner
Bayerische Staatssammlung f�r Pal�ontologie und Geologie
Laura Saila
University of Helsinki
Robert Sansom
University of Manchester
Rowan Smith
Sean Smith
Dinosaur Isle
Adam Smith
Nottingham Natural History Museum
Tim Smithson
University of Cambridge
Roland Sookias
University of Birmingham
Jim Spencer
Buxton Museum
Lorna Steel
Natural History Museum
Karen Swan
Hull York Medical School
Mike Taylor
University of Bristol
Michael Taylor
Tara Thean
University of Cambridge
Rick Thompson
The University of Cambridge
Tony Thulborn
Alexander Tinius
David Unwin
University of Leicester
Anneke H. van Heteren
Universität Bonn
Paul Varotsis
Birkbeck College
Chris Venditti
University of Reading
Stig Walsh
National Museums Scotland
Mathew Wedel
Western University of Health Sciences
David Whiteside
University of Bristol
Crispin Wiles
Imperial College
Margaret Wood
National Museums of Scotland
Sally Young
The Natural History Museum, London, SW7 5BD