Southampton 2015
29th August - 4th September 2015

The Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SVPCA) meeting (+ associated preparators/conservators meeting) will be held at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton starting Monday August 31st 2015 ­ and will run through Thursday the 3rd (talks).

The meeting will be preceeded by the 2015 Flugsaurier (about pterosaurs) meeting held the week before in Portsmouth (26th/27th/28th). Schedule I've agreed with Dave Martill is below.

While this is HUGE advance warning this is surely a great opportunity for all local VP-ers to get involved/present their work and help out (apart from Jessica, who is exhausted with conferences).

Please do start to spread the word and clear your diaries for these dates!

Gareth Dyke

Preliminary Schedule

Tuesday 25h Flugsaurier trip to Isle of Wight, Icebreaker
Wednesday 25h Flugsaurier presentation
Thursday 27th Flugsaurier presentation +/- workshop
Friday 28th Workshop(s), posters, specimen viewing
Saturday 29th Flugsaurier/SVPCA joint field trip to Kimmeridge
Sunday 30th No offical plans
Monday 31st SPPC during the day, icebreaker in the eveningSeptember
Tuesday 1st SVPCA sessions
Wednesday 2nd SVPCA Sessions
Thursday 3rd SVPCA Session
Friday 4th SVPCA post meeting field trip to Isle of Wight

Southampton 2015